Apr 15, 12:49 AM
ahoy, this thread and recent events inspired me to sign up and share and maybe help as well.
i actually stumbled upon this thread from another message board not very long ago, and thought to myself what a terrible situation. well, around 1:30 am last saturday morning, three guys kicked in the front door to my house, went to my roomate's room and attacked him, stabbing him near 13 times. they stole his ps2, my 360 (no controllers or connection cords), my zune, my electric guitar, and the nunchuck to my wiimote. thankfully, none of the attack was fatal and my roomate is making a full recovery. tuesday of this past week, a friend calls to tell me that he sees my xbox live name online. i call microsoft and just like in your case, they are unwilling to give out the ip info, which in retrospect is definitely understandable. as i was on the phone with them, our detective calls me and tells me they found my zune and possibly my 360. the people responsible for the break in and attack had been doing numerous breakins and robberies and were finally apprehended. it ended up being a group of around 6 to 7 people, men and women, adults and teens. the ones involved in our situation are currently looking at 60 years each, and more years added on if it ends up being gang related.
my main reason for posting is this. i live in valdosta, ga. it's barley over an hour away from tallahassee. the detectives informed me that wherever these criminals were caught, they had stockpiles of stolen items, including quite a few xbox's. i know it's most likely a long shot, but from what we've been told, these guys have been up to it for a while. seeing as how we're not that far away, i thought that it may have been helpful. i know that if it did turn up, it'd be like an episode of "lost" what with coincidences and all, but i felt compelled to respond, seeing as how a week ago i read your story about becoming a victim, then i became one myself, and seeing as how it is looking hopeful at a possible return, thought i'd try and pass on a bit of hope too.
and i feel you on the guitar hero. i had only had it for two days, and the disc was inside my 360 when they took it.
Thats some crazy stuff. I can't believe they would stab someone for a PS2 and a 360. I'm supposed to meet with the investigator in charge of my case on Monday to see what is going on. Right now, the only hope is somehow getting the IP address they are using and its looking like I'm not getting my 360 back anytime soon.
On the brighter side, I've got renters insurance and some shiney new locks on my doors.
i actually stumbled upon this thread from another message board not very long ago, and thought to myself what a terrible situation. well, around 1:30 am last saturday morning, three guys kicked in the front door to my house, went to my roomate's room and attacked him, stabbing him near 13 times. they stole his ps2, my 360 (no controllers or connection cords), my zune, my electric guitar, and the nunchuck to my wiimote. thankfully, none of the attack was fatal and my roomate is making a full recovery. tuesday of this past week, a friend calls to tell me that he sees my xbox live name online. i call microsoft and just like in your case, they are unwilling to give out the ip info, which in retrospect is definitely understandable. as i was on the phone with them, our detective calls me and tells me they found my zune and possibly my 360. the people responsible for the break in and attack had been doing numerous breakins and robberies and were finally apprehended. it ended up being a group of around 6 to 7 people, men and women, adults and teens. the ones involved in our situation are currently looking at 60 years each, and more years added on if it ends up being gang related.
my main reason for posting is this. i live in valdosta, ga. it's barley over an hour away from tallahassee. the detectives informed me that wherever these criminals were caught, they had stockpiles of stolen items, including quite a few xbox's. i know it's most likely a long shot, but from what we've been told, these guys have been up to it for a while. seeing as how we're not that far away, i thought that it may have been helpful. i know that if it did turn up, it'd be like an episode of "lost" what with coincidences and all, but i felt compelled to respond, seeing as how a week ago i read your story about becoming a victim, then i became one myself, and seeing as how it is looking hopeful at a possible return, thought i'd try and pass on a bit of hope too.
and i feel you on the guitar hero. i had only had it for two days, and the disc was inside my 360 when they took it.
Thats some crazy stuff. I can't believe they would stab someone for a PS2 and a 360. I'm supposed to meet with the investigator in charge of my case on Monday to see what is going on. Right now, the only hope is somehow getting the IP address they are using and its looking like I'm not getting my 360 back anytime soon.
On the brighter side, I've got renters insurance and some shiney new locks on my doors.

Dec 13, 07:51 PM
And if you're wrong and it's announced in January? ;)
I don't see that happening. It's just not how Apple works.
I don't see that happening. It's just not how Apple works.
May 2, 01:36 PM
If this is going to improve ios and iphone performance than fine...i will update....if not, like if the gps and maps are going to be slower then no thanks...
Sep 25, 11:07 AM
So how many people rated the news of Aperture being updated as negative just because you whiners didn't get what you wanted, i.e. a different product release? Huh?
Get over yourselves. Not every Apple event is about what you want. As a photographer this is great news, not "ok" news or even "bad" news. As an Apple users it's decent news because Apple is growing and developing.
I would have liked to see some performance gains from the software. Perhaps they are there, they just weren't mentioned.
Get over yourselves. Not every Apple event is about what you want. As a photographer this is great news, not "ok" news or even "bad" news. As an Apple users it's decent news because Apple is growing and developing.
I would have liked to see some performance gains from the software. Perhaps they are there, they just weren't mentioned.
Oct 3, 06:02 PM
Okay, you've got me. Pirating stuff is fun and nobody will ever get to you. And if they do it's still fun since you don't get a criminal record. And if you got one then it would be totally unfair. Man, I am a total idiot for even considering to buy stuff. You know, pay money for it.
Don't put words in our mouths. If you're going to make the moral argument against piracy, make it. I just don't agree with trying to fearmonger by saying that the feds are going to bust your door down and impound your hard drives.
Don't confuse condoning piracy with pointing out incorrect statements.
Don't put words in our mouths. If you're going to make the moral argument against piracy, make it. I just don't agree with trying to fearmonger by saying that the feds are going to bust your door down and impound your hard drives.
Don't confuse condoning piracy with pointing out incorrect statements.
Sep 12, 06:36 AM
I cant believe how much press Apple is getting. It was never like this before. IE. when the battery recall was on the news, the BBC/ITV were camped outside of Regent street's Apple store talking about the batteries and what went wrong and what not, even though Dell was involved too. Bit harsh I think.
But, it still suprises me about people and their iPods. I was at college the other day and someone had their iPod out. I pulled my first Gen iPod out my pocket and said "Now this is old school. You can only use this with a Mac" and the student said to me "Whats a Mac?"
After explaining that the iPod is made by a company called Apple, which has made PC's since the 70/80s, he then replied... "oooh, those computers are rubbish"
yeah, whatever you say mate...
EDIT: sorry, just a rant really... but on topic!
HAHAHAHA.. i hate that ignorant type!! ok, i've only switched to a mac at home, but used them loads at uni..
i dread to see how tonights news splashes all over the tech pages of bbc/itv/sky news etc.. tomorrow morning and how the ignorant masses react.
But, it still suprises me about people and their iPods. I was at college the other day and someone had their iPod out. I pulled my first Gen iPod out my pocket and said "Now this is old school. You can only use this with a Mac" and the student said to me "Whats a Mac?"
After explaining that the iPod is made by a company called Apple, which has made PC's since the 70/80s, he then replied... "oooh, those computers are rubbish"
yeah, whatever you say mate...
EDIT: sorry, just a rant really... but on topic!
HAHAHAHA.. i hate that ignorant type!! ok, i've only switched to a mac at home, but used them loads at uni..
i dread to see how tonights news splashes all over the tech pages of bbc/itv/sky news etc.. tomorrow morning and how the ignorant masses react.
Mr. Chewbacca
Mar 24, 03:10 PM
Wish I had gotten a few shares of stock then!!
Jan 9, 04:42 PM
Sep 12, 08:33 AM
s*** this is so exciting! im probably not the first one to notice that it says "the itunes store" not the itunes music store.... !!!
Apr 25, 01:30 PM
I don't see it. Holding my iPhone at nearly the same angle and about the same distance they look identical.
iCon police.
iCon police.
Apr 8, 07:36 PM
I'm a current employee at Best Buy and thought I'd offer my two cents on a few issues.
First, I don't really like Best Buy. I got a job there to work for around 4 hours a week to get the generous discount. It's particularly generous when dealing with open-box items. Even so, I am miserable leading up to heading in and I do not enjoy the time that I spend there. Thankfully, I have a good full-time job plus a lot of side work and I'm planning on quitting in the next month or so as the thrill of the discount has long worn off.
That said, I have no problem being very open and honest about Best Buy and my experiences there.
In regards to the iPad situation, I haven't been in since this issue came up and won't be in for awhile, so I don't really know what the buzz is on this matter exactly. I do know that they wouldn't put a freeze on selling new iPad 2 stock if they regularly had it for a random promotion, if only for the very reason that many think caused the initial problem: quota.
I'm betting 1 of 2 things happened:
1) They did indeed get in trouble with Apple for something. Sure, it's possible, and it's the easiest reasonable conclusion. I don't know why this would be though, and I'm skeptical about the whole hording thing. And again, this is coming from someone who has access to the inventory systems and all the places that would hide "horded" iPads. Plus, I have a good enough relationship with multiple managers (ones who know the score about Best Buy in an objective world...) who would be honest about this with me.
Generally speaking, when they say there are no iPads for sale, there are no iPads for sale. It's really that simple. Demand is real, and supply is lacking. When we have them for sale, they're in the cages, and this would occur after passing through the pre-order system. White Verizon iPads tend to be the ones most often available, usually just a couple, and they're gone almost immediately all the same.
Another factor in the equation though is processing shipments. I saw someone noted that after an open-box controversy between two customers, the manager was able to procure a new iPad 2 for a disappointed customer when apparently there were none for sale. Well, there probably weren't. He either bumped someone back on the pre-order list to be nice to the pissed off customer in the store or perhaps a shipment came in on the truck that had yet to be processed and he worked it out with the ops team to get them to process one so he could get it out. Oftentimes the managers do actually try to make the customer happy, even if it's somewhat unreasonable. The ops guys have their procedures, and it's rarely slimy in intent so much as rooted in overall efficiency, so sometimes a shipment won't go to the floor for sales until the next day because the processing takes time. If the manager pushes to work something out in that situation, the manager is doing you a favor and pissing off some ops guys to do so.
Anyways, on to the 2nd scenario...
2) This is what I'd really venture to bet is the problem: the pre-order system is a huge mess. It was a rush job authorized by corporate at the last minute and handled by less-than-informed employees who were also in a rush. From day 1 it was clear that problems were going to creep up, and they absolutely have. Nobody in store is happy about it. The employees don't like telling customers that they have to wait on a pre-order list, they don't like the 48 hour pickup window, they don't like having to deal with customers pissing and moaning and crying about conspiracy theories when only a 64 GB white Verizon iPad 2 is available once in a blue moon when a pre-order turns it down. It's not fun, for anyone, and unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it.
So what I'm guessing is really happening is that Best Buy is just digging out of this pre-order mess as fast as possible and skipping anything else until they get past the ramifications of a stupid decision. Considering there's little to skip seeing as supply is so low and we rarely have the most in-demand models available anyways, it's easier for them to just bow out of this for a couple of weeks and in a sense re-launch the normal sales when supplies are less constrained and they don't have a stupid pre-order process hanging over their heads. It's a cut and dry move that will allow them to gear up again in a more normal, focused way. Considering how things have gone there in the last month in dealing with anything iPad related, this might be the best decision for them.
All in all, Best Buy is Best Buy: a brick and mortar retailer lost in an internet-connected world. Best Buy isn't nearly as evil as they are lost and longing for the 20th century. Sure, there's a lot of margin on accessories, but it's because there's more often than not no margin on anything else. They don't make much money at all on TV's and Computers anymore. If they're on sale, and at Best Buy, almost everything is always "On Sale," it's likely at cost or within a few dollars of cost. There's little margin in the shrinking physical media world either. The only departments with major products that have margin still are appliances and for certain stores, musical instruments. This is why Best Buy will likely be dead in 5 years if they don't drastically change their business model. They did a better job at adapting to the new world than other electronics chains, but they haven't done nearly enough. It's not an easy business at this point though as it has as much to do with dealing with suppliers suffering the same pinch and customers who want to have it all but don't want to pay for it.
Also, in regards to stupid employees and sleazy mangers, yeah, they do exist. But more employees know their stuff than you might think. And there are quite a few managers who actually do care about trying to do a good job and help the customer.
As far as the employees, the biggest shock to me after working at Best Buy was realizing that so much of the supposed employee ignorance has more to do with incessantly having to dumb things down to the most absurd of levels with customers. 90% of the people who come in are nice people who just don't know much of anything about what they're buying. You have to learn to communicate on their level and not over-complicate things for them. It's easy to get stuck in that default mode and you have to actively snap yourself out of it on the rare occasion when you get customers who can actually hold their own in a conversation about the technology. And make no mistake, it's a huge relief for most of us when that happens because most of us that work there actually are pretty excited about the technology.
Now on the other hand, sleazy managers and supervisors can screw so much of this up. While most of the employees aren't making a career out of working at Best Buy, the sups and managers typically are on some level at least, and it takes a certain, umm, level of person to get, err, stuck, yes, at that level if you know what I mean. There's a lot of inconsistency in these types of people. If you get good ones though, they tend to hire good employees and foster a good environment for customers. My store has good management. It's the only thing that makes it remotely tolerable to me. The employees actually know their stuff and are honest with the customers. They also work as a team because the management pushes it and thankfully we don't have commission to muck things up. And customers do love us for it. You'd be shocked by how often a selling relationship turns into a friendship practically at our particular store. We get invited out after work all the time. Honesty goes a long ways, and when you're helping people save money by making sure they make a smart decision for their needs, it goes a long ways. And our managers are objective enough (and not locked into Best Buy corporate brainwash mode) to know that the only thing Best Buy has to offer over Amazon is the possibility of a good customer service experience. They do all they reasonably can to ensure that it happens.
But again, this simply isn't the case everywhere at all, and it so often boils down to the luck of the draw on management. Good managers hire good people leading to good teams leading to generally happy customers and good sales. Bad managers hire their dumb friends, play games with customers, lie, cheat, and usually they don't put up good numbers.
At the end of the day though, the good stores and the bad stores are equally screwed because the industry is a mess, the world is changing, and Best Buy corporate utterly and completely lacks the talent and leadership to be innovative in the 21st century. They refuse to reasonably acknowledge change, they're too scared to piss off manufacturers who have lines all across the store that vary dramatically when it comes to success and quality, and they're wildly inconsistent and disorganized with their processes and as they put it, "solutions." As said, if things don't drastically change, and I don't believe they will without a major shift in leadership, they'll be dead in 5 years. It's a sinking ship. I'll be happy to be out of there.
Again, I don't think they're near as evil and corrupt as they are just lost. When you're lost, things can get confusing real fast. Bear in mind that oftentimes when employees appear aloof, they're probably confused because corporate changes things all the time and does little to help keep us informed of these changes. Also, don't mistake conspiracy theories for sheer stupidity. Like we saw in this whole conversation, people will say some wild things. It's easy to think it from the outside. I can assure you from the inside, that oftentimes what looks like scheming and maneuvering is really just disorganization, stupidity and/or confusion due to the muddled processes and the ever-foggy way in which corporate outlines these processes.
I don't blame people for not liking Best Buy. I don't like them either. Just go easy on the guys on the floor and in the back. Unless they're the total goof-off employees which do exist, what you're pissed about is probably not their fault at all.
The only "Worst Buy" I am against is the one in Owings Mills, MD where they discriminated against me just because of a small disability. Pending a court case with corporate on this matter.. and I used to work for them back in 2005 and left them on a great note. Eligible for re-hire.. then tried to go back to them(Owings Mills) and the manager was very disrespectful and also discriminatory.
I plan to have that store shut down permanently.
First, I don't really like Best Buy. I got a job there to work for around 4 hours a week to get the generous discount. It's particularly generous when dealing with open-box items. Even so, I am miserable leading up to heading in and I do not enjoy the time that I spend there. Thankfully, I have a good full-time job plus a lot of side work and I'm planning on quitting in the next month or so as the thrill of the discount has long worn off.
That said, I have no problem being very open and honest about Best Buy and my experiences there.
In regards to the iPad situation, I haven't been in since this issue came up and won't be in for awhile, so I don't really know what the buzz is on this matter exactly. I do know that they wouldn't put a freeze on selling new iPad 2 stock if they regularly had it for a random promotion, if only for the very reason that many think caused the initial problem: quota.
I'm betting 1 of 2 things happened:
1) They did indeed get in trouble with Apple for something. Sure, it's possible, and it's the easiest reasonable conclusion. I don't know why this would be though, and I'm skeptical about the whole hording thing. And again, this is coming from someone who has access to the inventory systems and all the places that would hide "horded" iPads. Plus, I have a good enough relationship with multiple managers (ones who know the score about Best Buy in an objective world...) who would be honest about this with me.
Generally speaking, when they say there are no iPads for sale, there are no iPads for sale. It's really that simple. Demand is real, and supply is lacking. When we have them for sale, they're in the cages, and this would occur after passing through the pre-order system. White Verizon iPads tend to be the ones most often available, usually just a couple, and they're gone almost immediately all the same.
Another factor in the equation though is processing shipments. I saw someone noted that after an open-box controversy between two customers, the manager was able to procure a new iPad 2 for a disappointed customer when apparently there were none for sale. Well, there probably weren't. He either bumped someone back on the pre-order list to be nice to the pissed off customer in the store or perhaps a shipment came in on the truck that had yet to be processed and he worked it out with the ops team to get them to process one so he could get it out. Oftentimes the managers do actually try to make the customer happy, even if it's somewhat unreasonable. The ops guys have their procedures, and it's rarely slimy in intent so much as rooted in overall efficiency, so sometimes a shipment won't go to the floor for sales until the next day because the processing takes time. If the manager pushes to work something out in that situation, the manager is doing you a favor and pissing off some ops guys to do so.
Anyways, on to the 2nd scenario...
2) This is what I'd really venture to bet is the problem: the pre-order system is a huge mess. It was a rush job authorized by corporate at the last minute and handled by less-than-informed employees who were also in a rush. From day 1 it was clear that problems were going to creep up, and they absolutely have. Nobody in store is happy about it. The employees don't like telling customers that they have to wait on a pre-order list, they don't like the 48 hour pickup window, they don't like having to deal with customers pissing and moaning and crying about conspiracy theories when only a 64 GB white Verizon iPad 2 is available once in a blue moon when a pre-order turns it down. It's not fun, for anyone, and unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it.
So what I'm guessing is really happening is that Best Buy is just digging out of this pre-order mess as fast as possible and skipping anything else until they get past the ramifications of a stupid decision. Considering there's little to skip seeing as supply is so low and we rarely have the most in-demand models available anyways, it's easier for them to just bow out of this for a couple of weeks and in a sense re-launch the normal sales when supplies are less constrained and they don't have a stupid pre-order process hanging over their heads. It's a cut and dry move that will allow them to gear up again in a more normal, focused way. Considering how things have gone there in the last month in dealing with anything iPad related, this might be the best decision for them.
All in all, Best Buy is Best Buy: a brick and mortar retailer lost in an internet-connected world. Best Buy isn't nearly as evil as they are lost and longing for the 20th century. Sure, there's a lot of margin on accessories, but it's because there's more often than not no margin on anything else. They don't make much money at all on TV's and Computers anymore. If they're on sale, and at Best Buy, almost everything is always "On Sale," it's likely at cost or within a few dollars of cost. There's little margin in the shrinking physical media world either. The only departments with major products that have margin still are appliances and for certain stores, musical instruments. This is why Best Buy will likely be dead in 5 years if they don't drastically change their business model. They did a better job at adapting to the new world than other electronics chains, but they haven't done nearly enough. It's not an easy business at this point though as it has as much to do with dealing with suppliers suffering the same pinch and customers who want to have it all but don't want to pay for it.
Also, in regards to stupid employees and sleazy mangers, yeah, they do exist. But more employees know their stuff than you might think. And there are quite a few managers who actually do care about trying to do a good job and help the customer.
As far as the employees, the biggest shock to me after working at Best Buy was realizing that so much of the supposed employee ignorance has more to do with incessantly having to dumb things down to the most absurd of levels with customers. 90% of the people who come in are nice people who just don't know much of anything about what they're buying. You have to learn to communicate on their level and not over-complicate things for them. It's easy to get stuck in that default mode and you have to actively snap yourself out of it on the rare occasion when you get customers who can actually hold their own in a conversation about the technology. And make no mistake, it's a huge relief for most of us when that happens because most of us that work there actually are pretty excited about the technology.
Now on the other hand, sleazy managers and supervisors can screw so much of this up. While most of the employees aren't making a career out of working at Best Buy, the sups and managers typically are on some level at least, and it takes a certain, umm, level of person to get, err, stuck, yes, at that level if you know what I mean. There's a lot of inconsistency in these types of people. If you get good ones though, they tend to hire good employees and foster a good environment for customers. My store has good management. It's the only thing that makes it remotely tolerable to me. The employees actually know their stuff and are honest with the customers. They also work as a team because the management pushes it and thankfully we don't have commission to muck things up. And customers do love us for it. You'd be shocked by how often a selling relationship turns into a friendship practically at our particular store. We get invited out after work all the time. Honesty goes a long ways, and when you're helping people save money by making sure they make a smart decision for their needs, it goes a long ways. And our managers are objective enough (and not locked into Best Buy corporate brainwash mode) to know that the only thing Best Buy has to offer over Amazon is the possibility of a good customer service experience. They do all they reasonably can to ensure that it happens.
But again, this simply isn't the case everywhere at all, and it so often boils down to the luck of the draw on management. Good managers hire good people leading to good teams leading to generally happy customers and good sales. Bad managers hire their dumb friends, play games with customers, lie, cheat, and usually they don't put up good numbers.
At the end of the day though, the good stores and the bad stores are equally screwed because the industry is a mess, the world is changing, and Best Buy corporate utterly and completely lacks the talent and leadership to be innovative in the 21st century. They refuse to reasonably acknowledge change, they're too scared to piss off manufacturers who have lines all across the store that vary dramatically when it comes to success and quality, and they're wildly inconsistent and disorganized with their processes and as they put it, "solutions." As said, if things don't drastically change, and I don't believe they will without a major shift in leadership, they'll be dead in 5 years. It's a sinking ship. I'll be happy to be out of there.
Again, I don't think they're near as evil and corrupt as they are just lost. When you're lost, things can get confusing real fast. Bear in mind that oftentimes when employees appear aloof, they're probably confused because corporate changes things all the time and does little to help keep us informed of these changes. Also, don't mistake conspiracy theories for sheer stupidity. Like we saw in this whole conversation, people will say some wild things. It's easy to think it from the outside. I can assure you from the inside, that oftentimes what looks like scheming and maneuvering is really just disorganization, stupidity and/or confusion due to the muddled processes and the ever-foggy way in which corporate outlines these processes.
I don't blame people for not liking Best Buy. I don't like them either. Just go easy on the guys on the floor and in the back. Unless they're the total goof-off employees which do exist, what you're pissed about is probably not their fault at all.
The only "Worst Buy" I am against is the one in Owings Mills, MD where they discriminated against me just because of a small disability. Pending a court case with corporate on this matter.. and I used to work for them back in 2005 and left them on a great note. Eligible for re-hire.. then tried to go back to them(Owings Mills) and the manager was very disrespectful and also discriminatory.
I plan to have that store shut down permanently.
Sep 25, 08:23 PM
I have an experiment for those that say "It runs fine on my <insert computer here>."
Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:
1. Use the straightening tool.
2. Try to rotate it 180.
I have an experiment for those that say "My car runs fine on Chevron gas."
1. Use parking break.
2. Try accellerating to freeway speeds.
Report back when done.
Seriously, you realize that the "straightening tool" is not a free-form rotation tool, right? It's optimized for 1-10 degree straightenings, not flipping the picture around.
That having been said, yes, straightening is maddeningly slow on G5s (also on iPhoto ... I have dual 2.0 G5s, and fullscreen or even windowed straightening stutters all over the place). They've got an algorithm problem there (or, more likely, an algorithm which doesn't check for a "break" often enough, which makes it unresponsive and seem really slow). But, the test for that isn't doing a 180-degree rotation on an image; the test is trying to get a correct 1.25 degree rotation when the tools seem to be fighting with you.
The key is this: they could fix the tool to work perfectly for straightening, and still flipping the image around 180 degrees would be slow as molasses to render. Which is just fine, because the 90-degree rotate works fast as can be.
Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:
1. Use the straightening tool.
2. Try to rotate it 180.
I have an experiment for those that say "My car runs fine on Chevron gas."
1. Use parking break.
2. Try accellerating to freeway speeds.
Report back when done.
Seriously, you realize that the "straightening tool" is not a free-form rotation tool, right? It's optimized for 1-10 degree straightenings, not flipping the picture around.
That having been said, yes, straightening is maddeningly slow on G5s (also on iPhoto ... I have dual 2.0 G5s, and fullscreen or even windowed straightening stutters all over the place). They've got an algorithm problem there (or, more likely, an algorithm which doesn't check for a "break" often enough, which makes it unresponsive and seem really slow). But, the test for that isn't doing a 180-degree rotation on an image; the test is trying to get a correct 1.25 degree rotation when the tools seem to be fighting with you.
The key is this: they could fix the tool to work perfectly for straightening, and still flipping the image around 180 degrees would be slow as molasses to render. Which is just fine, because the 90-degree rotate works fast as can be.
Oct 5, 07:46 PM
Get out and see the world? I was born and raised in Europe, have been to 50 countries and have lived on 3 continents. And you? And I much enjoy living on a 5-acre property with 2 houses on it offering 9 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms and all the bells and whistles next to Woodside. To me space is just a great luxury, not bumping into one another, being able to house grown kids and friends for extended periods of time, etc. To each their own, but I truly cannot see Jobs' tiny home (by Woodside standards) being anything but a retirement house. It does NOT look like a home for a family with kids. An older couple perhaps. And where is the home office?
You're a bit out of touch, perhaps. On top of that, you continue to stress your wealth and worldliness in each post.
Most Americans do not have what you do. And to the person who said I've never experienced "4 screaming kids," I have.
I think you both are just use to having more, and space, and more space. My grandmother raised her six children in a three bedroom, one bath home — that she shared with my grandfather — and never had any issues. My grandparents, mother or my aunts never complained, and looking back, I think the experience enriched them tenfold. My grandparents were successful and could have afforded a home with "enough space" (by your standards) for all their kids, but they made out just fine in the first floor of an apartment building with "just" 2,200sq. feet.
You obviously have never lived like most people; you say that quite plainly by stating you've "been to 50 countries" and lived on "three continents."
It's the internet, and you can be as big of an elitist as you want. However, you're the type whose coming across as the largest, most arrogant person in the room [forum?]. If you were really as cultured as you seem to suggest, you'd have an air of refinement (that's noticeably lacking here), knowing that bragging is no way to get ahead.
But, you're already a "higher level person," so who am I to hold you back?
You're a bit out of touch, perhaps. On top of that, you continue to stress your wealth and worldliness in each post.
Most Americans do not have what you do. And to the person who said I've never experienced "4 screaming kids," I have.
I think you both are just use to having more, and space, and more space. My grandmother raised her six children in a three bedroom, one bath home — that she shared with my grandfather — and never had any issues. My grandparents, mother or my aunts never complained, and looking back, I think the experience enriched them tenfold. My grandparents were successful and could have afforded a home with "enough space" (by your standards) for all their kids, but they made out just fine in the first floor of an apartment building with "just" 2,200sq. feet.
You obviously have never lived like most people; you say that quite plainly by stating you've "been to 50 countries" and lived on "three continents."
It's the internet, and you can be as big of an elitist as you want. However, you're the type whose coming across as the largest, most arrogant person in the room [forum?]. If you were really as cultured as you seem to suggest, you'd have an air of refinement (that's noticeably lacking here), knowing that bragging is no way to get ahead.
But, you're already a "higher level person," so who am I to hold you back?
Sep 28, 06:28 PM
Gates: What's that?
Jobs: It's an iHouse.
Gates: But there's no Windows.
Jobs: Exactly!!! Hahahahaha!
So THAT'S what this house is! No wonder why there were no windows diagrammed in the blueprints!
he can control everything from his ipad and his iphone, he will be so happy with the house we cant have. but in all seriousness that is awesome but i wonder if it will be technological, and everything will run on ios. lol
In that case, the only thing a robber needs to do to get into the iHouse is jailbreak the security system :D
Jobs: It's an iHouse.
Gates: But there's no Windows.
Jobs: Exactly!!! Hahahahaha!
So THAT'S what this house is! No wonder why there were no windows diagrammed in the blueprints!
he can control everything from his ipad and his iphone, he will be so happy with the house we cant have. but in all seriousness that is awesome but i wonder if it will be technological, and everything will run on ios. lol
In that case, the only thing a robber needs to do to get into the iHouse is jailbreak the security system :D
Oct 6, 12:45 PM
There's a reason for that, less work is required to upgrade a tower from CDMA to EvDO than to upgrade a tower from GSM to UMTS. That's why Verizon and Sprint are ahead in the 3G rollout. But that doesn't change the fact that overall, UMTS is a better technology than EvDO. SIM cards, simultaneous voice and data, global compatibility, etc.
Wonder what Sprint/Verizon's upgrade from EvDO to LTE will be like, compared to AT&T/T-Mo's UMTS to LTE upgrade? :confused:
The ad is very misleading because it leaves out any EDGE coverage..
The ad is just comparing 3G to 3G, so 1x/EDGE doesn't count.
Wonder what Sprint/Verizon's upgrade from EvDO to LTE will be like, compared to AT&T/T-Mo's UMTS to LTE upgrade? :confused:
The ad is very misleading because it leaves out any EDGE coverage..
The ad is just comparing 3G to 3G, so 1x/EDGE doesn't count.
Jan 11, 05:08 PM
if you want to prevent people from screwing with you presentations on tvs, just disable the ir port (via the rs232 console/diagnostic software or by slapping a sticker over the ir port). securing you devices takes at most 2min per device. so let the companies learn from this and don't bash gizmodo like mad.
And, pray tell, what other completely unnecessary "precautions" should the companies take to insure that snot-nosed jackasses (who are stupid to the point of even ADMITTING their lame stunt on their own web site) not screw around with their presentation walls and equipment? Security dogs next to power switches? Locks on power strips? Bits of tape over every ir port on every device they show? Oh, yes, the big dork-off companies should learn their lesson against such obvious security risks. The same companies that invest sweat, blood, money and tears to bring us the gadgets we love to have.
It's not even as if these bone-heads went out and invented some magic solder-based toy in their garage and showed the world how uber-geek they could be; for that, I MIGHT consider a prop in their direction IF they kept the mischief down to one or two non-presentation instances. They simply used a stupid TV-B-Gone that can be had by any moron for 20 bucks.
Way to go, GizLamo. That was as funny as letting the air out of a tire of your neighbor and giggling from the front window watching him worry about being late for work. A laff-riot if you're 12 and developmentally disabled. Hardy-har-har.:mad:
And, pray tell, what other completely unnecessary "precautions" should the companies take to insure that snot-nosed jackasses (who are stupid to the point of even ADMITTING their lame stunt on their own web site) not screw around with their presentation walls and equipment? Security dogs next to power switches? Locks on power strips? Bits of tape over every ir port on every device they show? Oh, yes, the big dork-off companies should learn their lesson against such obvious security risks. The same companies that invest sweat, blood, money and tears to bring us the gadgets we love to have.
It's not even as if these bone-heads went out and invented some magic solder-based toy in their garage and showed the world how uber-geek they could be; for that, I MIGHT consider a prop in their direction IF they kept the mischief down to one or two non-presentation instances. They simply used a stupid TV-B-Gone that can be had by any moron for 20 bucks.
Way to go, GizLamo. That was as funny as letting the air out of a tire of your neighbor and giggling from the front window watching him worry about being late for work. A laff-riot if you're 12 and developmentally disabled. Hardy-har-har.:mad:
Artful Dodger
Sep 26, 11:05 PM
After all of the comments about how great Aperture ran, and considering how crappy it was running on mine, I decided to take into the Apple Store.
The video card is defective and they are replacing it. No wonder my experience with the program stunk.
Slightly OT but I hope you bought the AppleCare for your PM that you were thinking about a few weeks ago ;) Back OT, let us know how it is once you get it back :) :) two smiles for your troubles...
The video card is defective and they are replacing it. No wonder my experience with the program stunk.
Slightly OT but I hope you bought the AppleCare for your PM that you were thinking about a few weeks ago ;) Back OT, let us know how it is once you get it back :) :) two smiles for your troubles...
Sep 12, 08:45 AM
I reckon Wool-on-gong (spelt Wollongong) is waaay easier to say than Okanagan or Saskatchewan. And yes, I say Saskatchewan properly.
Those are easier for me because I grew up with them. I can't even say the name of my street right in this country. :P Terowi, like what's that?
Anyways I degrees, this update better be for all stores since they are all down otherwise it'll be the first of a few disappointments of the evening.
Yes there will be disappointments we always shoot to high and feel cheated.
Those are easier for me because I grew up with them. I can't even say the name of my street right in this country. :P Terowi, like what's that?
Anyways I degrees, this update better be for all stores since they are all down otherwise it'll be the first of a few disappointments of the evening.
Yes there will be disappointments we always shoot to high and feel cheated.

May 2, 09:52 AM
"iPod Bug Fixes"
I hope that they finally fix the bug where lyrics disappear when the song changes. That's been there for awhile and is extremely irritating.
Also, the even BIGGER bug where iTunes will not load any additional songs onto the iPhone / iPad if you approach having only 1 GB free space left and you use the 128 kbps conversion option. That's been there for almost two YEARS without being addressed, although this may be an iTunes thing.
I hope that they finally fix the bug where lyrics disappear when the song changes. That's been there for awhile and is extremely irritating.
Also, the even BIGGER bug where iTunes will not load any additional songs onto the iPhone / iPad if you approach having only 1 GB free space left and you use the 128 kbps conversion option. That's been there for almost two YEARS without being addressed, although this may be an iTunes thing.
Apr 29, 06:43 PM
Well that's good. I wasn't liking the way the UI was going, and this is a step (admittedly backwards) in the right direction. Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Apr 25, 01:19 PM
ok, thought it was
Apr 8, 08:27 PM
There is no beta of Windows 8 yet so it is hard to say. MS can add million new features to make it sound good on paper and then fail it like they did with Vista. In the end, the most important thing is stability. Windows 7 is great and I really hope W8 will take it even further.
I'd like to see Windows 8 use a Linux kernel underlying the GUI itself.. Microsoft could have some potential, but should not copy from Apple.
I'd like to see Windows 8 use a Linux kernel underlying the GUI itself.. Microsoft could have some potential, but should not copy from Apple.
Aug 15, 11:06 PM
Mine was manufactured in June 2006 and Apple said that it was the old stock. I really wish if it was like someone here said that the new specs were quietly going back in April which means that mine would possibly be the new stock.
How I could possibly determine whether mine is the new one or not is by turning all the lights off in my room. This is a brand new 23"ACD from an Apple store. I don't need to set the brightness setting to 25% or more... definitely you would agree that a 23" display is a fairly big monitor as a big canvas in front of me. With no other lighting in the room, wouldn't I want to turn the brightness setting all the way down to the bottom if I don't want to burn my eyes with it. The answer is no. I let this display stay on for a while, but it is still not much brighter than when I just turned it on.
For a new monitor, i don't think I would need to turn the brightness setting so high up to impress myself with its brightness. I can positively say that if mine display was the new stock, Apple didn't do a good job on tweaking up to the new specs... I'm not going to talk about my ghosting problem, though that is a slight issue.
Hope someone has a different serial number, so we could differentiate between the new stock and the old stock. It's been really frustrating....:(
How I could possibly determine whether mine is the new one or not is by turning all the lights off in my room. This is a brand new 23"ACD from an Apple store. I don't need to set the brightness setting to 25% or more... definitely you would agree that a 23" display is a fairly big monitor as a big canvas in front of me. With no other lighting in the room, wouldn't I want to turn the brightness setting all the way down to the bottom if I don't want to burn my eyes with it. The answer is no. I let this display stay on for a while, but it is still not much brighter than when I just turned it on.
For a new monitor, i don't think I would need to turn the brightness setting so high up to impress myself with its brightness. I can positively say that if mine display was the new stock, Apple didn't do a good job on tweaking up to the new specs... I'm not going to talk about my ghosting problem, though that is a slight issue.
Hope someone has a different serial number, so we could differentiate between the new stock and the old stock. It's been really frustrating....:(
Jan 11, 02:57 PM
No white iphone4 and no slim slot! Yay for iPhone 4 on Verizon!
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